Held in the Belmont Room, Harrow Arts Centre on 17 April 2024 at 8pm
Apologies had been received from three committee members – Bhavna Amin, Vipin Pau and Susan Tyler – and two members, Dominique Wilson and Audrey Jarvis.
- Approve the Minutes of the 2023 AGM. Approval was proposed by Jackie Lalwani and seconded by Yogesh Nakarja. Approved unanimously.
- Chair’s Report. Julian Maw gave a report in which he thanked the committee members and road stewards for their hard work, described all the things that the Hatch End Association does and looks after, and looked back over his 20 years as Chairman Approval was proposed by Anne Craig and seconded by Meena Gosrani. Approved unanimously.
- Hon Treasurer’s Report. As Vipin Pau was unable to attend Julian Maw presented the Accounts for 2023. He pointed out that the Triathlon Account would now be called the Community account. The monies in this account were the Tri funds and legacies. Both were ringfenced for the community. The Accounts were proposed by David Poole and seconded by John Cobb. Approved unanimously.
- Election of Officers. Julian Maw stood down as Chairman. Yogesh Nakarja stood as Chairman, Bhavna Amin stood as Vice Chairman and Vipin Pau agreed to continue as Hon Treasurer. There was a new post of Immediate Past Chairman which Julian Maw would occupy. These posts were proposed by Vicki Wallas and seconded by Meena Gosrani. Approved unanimously. There will be no Hon Secretary.
- Appointment of Hon Examiner of Accounts. Vijay Patel had agreed to continue in this role. This was proposed by Julian Maw and seconded by Anne Craig.
- Election of Committee Members. Sheila Reid – Bulletin Editor; Anne Craig – Membership Team; John Cobb – planning; Mena Gosrani – transport; Susan Tyler – room bookings; Jonanthan Rumble – conservation were proposed en-bloc by Yogesh Nakarja and seconded by Clare Goldschmidt. Approved unanimously. There were four nominations for the committee: Ruth Hawkes, Sikh Khera, Jackie Lalwani and Vicki Wallas have volunteered to stand for the committee and have been a co-opted members. They were proposed by Julian Maw and seconded by Jonathan Rumble. Approved unanimously.
- Any other notified business. None had been received.
Chairman Julian Maw closed the formal meeting and opened the floor up to members and councillors. Julian Maw invited Yogesh Nakarja as Chair to join him for members’ questions.
A resident of Dove Park – where former committee member Liz Parry had lived – was surprised to learn of her death in the Spring Bulletin and wondered what had happened. It was explained that it had all been rather sudden. Another resident requested a minute’s silence in her memory, which was duly observed.
Another resident asked if the vacant health and Harrow Heritage Trust roles on the committee would be filled. Julian replied that this would be addressed at the next committee meeting.
New chairman, Yogesh, gave thanks to Steve Whitbread for his talk, to Julian for his chairmanship and to the residents for attending the AGM.
The AGM ended at 9.55pm.