Morrison’s Supermarket – Application Granted

The Morrison’s Supermarket Application for a part-single decked car park in conjunction with their previous permission to extend the store, was granted 13 March 2013. It was subject to the completion of a legal agreement as follows:-

1. A contribution towards tree planning and landscape enhancement.

2. A contribution towards cycle land and cycle parking improvements.

3. The submission of a Car Park Management Plan.

4. A contribution towards highways improvement in the area.

5. A contribution towards public realm improvements including the provision of public art.

6 A contribution towards improving the linkage between the store and nearby bus stops.

7. A contribution towards implementation of Harrow Arts Centre way finding signage within the site.

8. The submission of a Green Travel Plan.

9. A Planning Administration Fee.


The Original Planning Application

Application reference P/2376/12.

  • Morrisons Supermarkets plc have submitted a revised application for the following development
  • The construction of a ramped car park deck and two staircase/lift enclosures
  • Alterations to existing parking layout and provision of new external ATM pod
  • Landscaping

Details of the application can be viewed on line at

The Case Officer is Nicola Rankin 020 8736 6147. Case Officers are usually available in afternoons each day.

The 21 day deadline for comments is 5 March 2013.

The following drawings have been sent to the Association by the agent –

Morrisons proposed site plan 16/02/2013
Morrisons proposed and existing plans and sections 16/02/2013
Morrisons car park deck elevation 16/02/2013

Please let us know your views.

Anne Swinson
Hatch End Association.
0208 428 1415

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