Minutes 2019

Held at Harrow Arts Centre, Hatch End Suite 1, on 9 April 2019 at 9.20pm
Apologies had been received from Vipin Pau, Dermot Wilson, Anne Swinson, Jean Lamiman, Tony Allen, Peter and Jenny Murray

  1. Approve the Minutes of the last AGM. Approval was proposed by Dominique Wilson and seconded by Audrey Jarvis.
  2. Co-Chairman’s Report. Julian Maw gave a report that looked ahead to the coming year’s activities of the HEA committee. Particular mention should be made of the £5,000 legacy from the late Paul Samet and what should be done with it. Any ideas should be sent to Julian or the committee.
  3. Hon Treasurer’s Report. There will be no increase in the £3 subscription. The subscriptions and expenditure were almost the same as 2017. The Accounts were proposed by Susan Tyler and seconded by Robin Rattray and approved subject to being examined. A substitute for Vijay Patel was needed on this occasion.
  4. Appointment of Hon Examiner of Accounts. Vijay Patel has agreed to continue. This was proposed by Clare Goldschmidt and seconded by John Cobb.
  5. Election of Officers. As Tony Allen has moved from Hatch End he has had to stand down as co-chairman, the other co-chairman, Julian Maw agreed to continue as chair. Vipin Pau has agreed to continue as Hon Treasurer. These posts were proposed by Alan Flint and seconded by Peter Poole. There will be no vice-chairman or secretary.
  6. Election of Committee Members. Sheila Reid, Anne Swinson, Susan Tyler, Clare Goldschmidt, John Cobb, Meena Gosrani and Peter Poole were proposed en bloc by Colin Weil and seconded by Claire Milsom. New members, Dermot Wilson and Robin Rattray were proposed by a member and seconded by a member.
  7. Resolutions. None had been received.
  8. Any other notified business. Julian Maw said that the HEA committee will consider making Anne Swinson a Life Member. This completed the formal business.

Question and Answers
It was noted that Peggy Anderson, a former Treasurer and Membership Secretary of the Association, had recently died. She was 100.
Q There was a requested for the AGM notice on the website to be updated.
A This would be checked and corrected.
Q What is happening with the telephone exchange on The Broadway?
A Julian Maw said that it was full of vital equipment and cables although some parts of it were empty.
Q Can we ask the Harrow Arts Centre to put a map of the various rooms on its website?
A Julian said he would do so. He also mentioned the grant the HAC had been awarded from the Mayor of London’s fund. He said that he wanted the HAC to retain its community side for organisations such as the U3A as there was not enough room space for clubs in Hatch End.

Chairman Julian Maw closed the meeting at 9.50pm.