Hatch End Association Annual Accounts
Accounts for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 – Examined
2020 2019
£ £
Membership Subscriptions 948 4,568
Donations from Membership*** 5,072 655
Commercial Index membership 345 770
Flowers Sponsorships 50 979
Interest (net) 22 48
Total Receipts 6,437 7,030
Bulletin & Website 2,352 3,280
Hire of Halls & Committee Rooms 225 291
Affiliation fees, Gifts and Donations 211 131
General Expenses 272 346
Insurance 0 151
Flowers 14 184
Exceptional Items** 1,593 1,127
Creditors Paid 1,338
Total Payments 6,005 5,510
Excess of Receipts over Payments 432 1,520
Balance Sheet
Accumulated Fund
Balance at 1 January 27,242 24,384
Increase in year 432 1,520
Creditors* 1,050 1,338
Balance at 31 December 28,724 27,242
Balance on Current Account 1,214 2,161
Balance on Deposit Account 27,510 25,081
Total Assets 28,724 27,242
***2020: £5,000 Donation from the Estate of the late Paul Samet
**2020: £1,593 Christmas Lights payment to Harrow Council
*2019: £1,085 & £102 Invoices unpaid and outstanding to Printshop & £151 Zurich Insurance
*2020: £1,050 Invoice unpaid and outstanding to Printshop
The Hatch End Association Triathlon Account for the Year Ended 31 December 2020
Payments 2020 2019
£ £
Opening Balance 1,874 2,024
General Expenses 0 150
Closing Balance 1,874 1,874
Vipin Pau, Hon Treasurer