


The Association shall be called ‘The Hatch End Association’.

The objects of the Association which is non-political and non-sectarian shall be:
a)  To foster interest in local government affairs and to promote the efficient and economical administration of the district.

b)  To act in the interests of all the members in all matters affecting them as a body.

c)  To inquire into and, if possible, take appropriate steps to obtain redress of grievances affecting the whole or any part of the district.

d)  To preserve and develop local amenities.

e) To extend the activities and interests of the Association as seems advisable.

The Association shall consist of residents in Hatch End and district and persons employed in Hatch End. These shall be entitled to membership by paying an annual subscription due on 1st January each year to cover membership for that year and to vote on the level of the subscription.

a)  The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the Officers (Chairman, Vice – Chairman, Immediate – Past Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and any other Officer so appointed) and not more than14 other elected members. The Officers shall have power to act in an emergency. The Committee may co-opt any other member, or members, as and when desired, but the total number shall not exceed 24. Seven members, including at least two Officers, shall form a quorum.

b)  The Committee shall meet at least four times a year.

c)  All Officers of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting excepting that the Vice-Chairman shall succeed to the Chair and the Chairman shall become the Immediate-Past Chairman.

d)  In the event of a vacancy amongst the Officers or Committee, such vacancy may be filled by the Committee.

e)  Each member of the Committee shall be entitled to one vote. All matters submitted to Committee Meetings shall be decided by the majority of members present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

f)  All members of the Association have the right to attend Committee Meetings as observers.

g)  The Committee shall have power to recommend to a General Meeting of members the conferment of life membership, without payment of an annual subscription, for services rendered to the Association. A life member has all the privileges of membership.

a)  The Committee shall have power to open banking and/or building society accounts in the name of the Association. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary shall be authorised to sign cheques, withdrawal forms and other authorities, two signatures being required on each for significant amounts, as determined by the Committee. For non-significant amounts only one authorisation will be required.

b) The Committee shall have power to make donations in the name of the Association to any cause which it considers the Association would wish to support.

c) A General Statement of Accounts made up to the 31st December in each year and duly examined shall after approval by the Committee be submitted to the next Annual General Meeting. One member shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting to act as Honorary Examiner of Accounts for the ensuing year.

d)  With the Statement of Accounts the Chairman shall present to the Annual General Meeting the Committee’s recommendation for the amount of the annual subscription payable from 1st January following and shall move its adoption. If the motion is not carried the amount of the current annual subscription shall remain the same until the next Annual General Meeting.

a)  The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th April and shall be called by giving at least 10 clear days’ notice.

b)  A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or within a month of the receipt by the Secretary of a request, signed by at least 50 members. At least 10 clear days’ notice shall be given for such a meeting, the notice to include any motion or motions to be proposed.

c)  Each member shall be entitled to one vote. All matters submitted to meetings of members shall be decided by the majority of members present and voting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

These Rules shall not be repealed, amended and/or addition made except at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. Particulars of the proposed repeal, amendment and/or addition shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least one month before the said Meeting.

(1) Annual General Meeting

a)  The Minutes of the previous Meeting shall be presented and, if approved, signed by the Chairman.

b) The Annual Report shall be presented by the Chairman.

c)  The Statement of Accounts duly examined and the Treasurer’s Report shall be presented for adoption.

d)  Installation of Chairman.

e)  The Officers and Committee for the ensuing year shall be elected, except the Chairman and Immediate-Past Chairman. Nominations (with the consent of the Nominee) must be handed to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the Annual General Meeting.

f)  One member shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting to act as Honorary Examiner of Accounts for the ensuing year.

g)  Any motions, of which at least seven clear days’ notice has been given, shall be presented.

(2)  Committee Meetings

a)  The Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be presented, and, if approved, signed by the Chairman.

b)  Consideration of correspondence.

c)  The financial statement shall be submitted.

d)  Consideration of Sub-Committees and other Reports.

e)  Any other competent business.

a)  If the Committee decides that it is necessary to wind up the Association it shall call a Special General Meeting of all members.

b)  Members shall be given at least 10 clear days’ notice of the resolution to be discussed at the meeting.

c) A proposal to dissolve the Association shall take effect only if agreed by two thirds of the members present at the meeting.

d)  Funds and possessions shall be put to charitable purposes or to the benefit of any organisation that shares common aims with the Association. The decision will be made by a majority vote at the Special General Meeting according to the wishes of the members present at the Special General Meeting.

e)  The final accounts shall be checked and verified by the Honorary Examiner of Accounts.

Last amended 28th April 2011