Minutes 2022


Held in Suite 1, Harrow Arts Centre on 6 April 2022 at 8pm


Apologies had been received from Anne Swinson, Meena Gosrani, Vipin Pau and Audrey Jarvis.

  1. Approve the Minutes of the 2021 AGM. Approval was proposed by Lynne Dorff and seconded by Dominique Wilson. Approved unanimously.
  2. Chair’s Report. Julian Maw gave a report that looked ahead to the coming year’s activities of the HEA committee since the historic activities had been well-documented in the Bulletins. He stated that the annual subscription would remain at £3 per household per annum. Approval was proposed by Yogesh Nakarja and seconded by Helena Moon. Approved unanimously.
  3. Hon Treasurer’s Report. Julian Maw presented the Accounts for 2021 since Vipin Pau was unable to attend. He stated that during 2021 we had recovered most of the subscriptions missed due to Covid-19. In 2020, only two Bulletins were printed hence the difference in costs between 2020 and 2021. Although the overall balance stands at £35,345, some £10,000 of that are legacies for the benefit of Hatch End. Reserves were needed for any future planning legal costs. The Accounts were proposed by Anne Craig and seconded by Helena Moon. Approved unanimously.
  4. Appointment of Hon Examiner of Accounts. Vijay Patel had agreed to continue in this role. This was proposed by Dominique Wilson and seconded by Susan Tyler.
  5. Election of Officers. Julian Maw agreed to continue as Chair. Vipin Pau agreed to continue as Hon Treasurer. These posts were proposed by Yogesh Nakarja and seconded by Helena Moon. Approved unanimously. There will be no Vice-chairman or Hon Secretary.
  6. Election of Committee Members. John Cobb, Clare Goldschmidt, Meena Gosrani, Sheila Reid and Susan Tyler were proposed en-bloc by Dominique Wilson and seconded by Anne Craig. Approved unanimously. There was one new nomination for the committee – Liz Parry. She was proposed by Julian Maw and seconded by Clare Goldschmidt. Approved unanimously. Two potential committee members put their names forward to the AGM – Anne Craig and Yogesh Nakarja – and Julian asked them to attend the next committee meeting in April to be co-opted to the committee.
  7. Resolutions. Julian Maw proposed that Anne Swinson BEM be made a Life Member in recognition of her work for the HEA as a Co-Chair and with planning matters. This was agreed unanimously.
  8. Any other notified business. None had been received.


Chair Julian Maw closed the formal meeting and opened the floor up to members and councillors.

  • Question: Do neighbours have to be told if a Permitted Development planning application has been submitted?
    Answer: The immediate neighbours should be notified.
  • Cllr Jean Lammiman took the floor to say how sad she was not to be representing Hatch End in the future. She added that the HEA is a brilliant residents’ association and she had been delighted to work with it. She thanked Julian for steering a difficult ship at times and that she will continue to work with the HEA on the new Riverside Walk project.
  • Shilpi Goel, a resident of Grimsdyke Road and an associate Scout leader, said she wanted to organise an event in Hatch End. She had noticed that many events take place in Pinner eg St George’s Day Parade. She is hoping to organise a family picnic with open air cinema in Shaftesbury Playing Fields in May with any funds raised going to the Young Minds charity. Julian Maw said we would publicise the event on the HEA website.
  • Gordon Vanderputt, a resident of Ufford Road, said they had been trying to get the pavements and nearby roads resurfaced but the Council had said it wasn’t their responsibility. He was worried that the pavement was a trip hazard as several people had already fallen over. He had asked Cllr Susan Hall for assistance. Julian Maw said that the HEA would support the Ufford Road residents and that organising a petition was a good way to get the message across to the Council. Cllr Jean Lammiman said that there was a Council meeting on 17 May to which he could potentially attend with a petition.

The AGM ended at 10.15pm.