
The Hatch End Association bulletin is published three times a year and contains important news and information concerning residents of Hatch End. Below is the table of contents of the latest issue


Issued by the Hatch End Association

Summer 2024  Number 222

Table of Contents


Editorial 2
AGM – from the Chair 3
AGM – talk on Biodiversity 4
Hatch End Association Annual Accounts 7
AGM – summary  8
Membership 9
What does the Hatch End Association do? 10
Litter pick-up 11
Morrisons’ Car Park 11
Riverside Park 12
Planning and Green Belt 13
From the Archive – 70 years ago; Issue 15; Summer 1954 15
Hatch End People: Obituary: Liz Parry 16
Community Breakfast at Morrisons 17
Celebrating Holi – a Festival of Colours 18
Hatch End’s Plaques 19
Grim’s Dyke Golf Club 20
Walk: Hatch End to Little Oxhey and Back 21
A History of 11 Hillview Road 24
Hatch End Flower Arrangement Group 26
Hatch End Horticultural Society 28
Harrow Cycle Hub 29
Pinner Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 30
Bulletin Commercial Index 32


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