Held in Canons Room, Harrow Arts Centre on 26 April 2023 at 8pm
Apologies had been received from three committee members – Bhavna Amin, Anne Craig and Meena Gosrani – and David Summers, a member. Life Member, Anne Swinson, was welcomed.
- Approve the Minutes of the 2022 AGM. Approval was proposed by Helena Moon and seconded by Julian Maw. Approved unanimously.
- Chair’s Report. Julian Maw gave a report that looked ahead to the coming year’s activities of the HEA committee since what the HEA did had been covered in his talk before the break. He stated that the annual subscription would examined under Executive Resolution. Approval was proposed by Yogesh Nakarja and seconded by Dominique Wilson. Approved unanimously.
- Hon Treasurer’s Report. Vipin Pau presented the Accounts for 2022. He stated that during 2022 expenditure had been more than income and that the subscription would need to be examined. This was the first time in his 15 years as Hon. Treasurer that this had happened. The Accounts were proposed by Liz Parry and seconded by Helena Moon. Approved unanimously.
- Executive Resolution to increase subscription. Julian Maw presented the resolution to increase the subscription for 2024. He said that the last increase had been in 2005 when the subscription had been put up from £2.50 to £3. He said the committee felt that the HEA should continue, and if possible increase, its work for Hatch End. The committee had thoroughly reviewed our cost and income and felt these could not be significantly reduced/increased without an increase in the subscription. We were investigating changing banks to get more income from our reserves but, again, this would not be significant. Although the overall balance stood at £34, 687, some £10,000 of that were legacies for the benefit of Hatch End. We also need reserves for any future important planning legal costs and an annual cash flow of £3,000. However, the increase would support the HEA for several years to come. There were no objections from the floor. The Resolution was proposed by Audrey Jarvis and seconded by Gordon Vanderputt. Approved unanimously.
- Election of Officers. Julian Maw agreed to continue as Chair. Yogesh Nakarja as Vice Chairman and Vipin Pau agreed to continue as Hon Treasurer. These posts were proposed by Dominique Wilson and seconded by Jonathan Rumble. Approved unanimously. There will be no Hon Secretary.
- Appointment of Hon Examiner of Accounts. Vijay Patel had agreed to continue in this role. This was proposed by Julian Maw and seconded by Susan Tyler.
- Election of Committee Members. Sheila Reid – Bulletin Editor; Clare Goldschmidt and Susan Tyler – Membership Team; John Cobb – planning watchdog; Mena Gosrani – transport lead; Liz Parry – representative for Heritage Trust were proposed en-bloc by Alan Flint and seconded by Jonathan Rumble. Approved unanimously. There were three nominations for the committee: Bhavna Amin, Anne Craig and Jonathan Rumble have volunteered to stand for the committee and have been a co-opted members for several months. They were proposed by Helena Moon and seconded by Liz Parry. Approved unanimously.
- Any other notified business. None had been received.
Chair Julian Maw closed the formal meeting and opened the floor up to members and councillors.
- Could we have somewhere in the Bulletin how to report crime? Also, could the HEA point people to use the website.
- The Bulletin Editor said this could be done.
The AGM ended at 9.40pm.