Held via Zoom on 21 April 2021 at 8pm
Apologies had been received from Fr David Green and Jennie Dawson.
- Approve the Minutes of the 2019 AGM. Approval was proposed by David Summers and seconded by Dominique Wilson.
- Chair’s Report. Julian Maw gave a report that looked ahead to the coming year’s activities of the HEA committee since the historic activities had been well-documented in the Bulletins. Particular mention was made to the £5,000 legacy from the late Arlette Pettersen and what should be done with it. Any ideas should be sent to Julian or the committee members. Approval was proposed by Peter Murray and seconded by Anne Swinson.
- Hon Treasurer’s Report. Vipin Pau presented the Accounts for 2019 and 2020 since there had been no AGM in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He said that most subscriptions had not been collected in 2020 due to the pandemic but that receipts had been bolstered by the £5,000 legacy from Arlette Pettersen. He thanked the membership team and the road stewards for delivering the Bulletins and looking after the subscriptions. He hoped to get the Accounts examined in the next few months. There were a few questions regarding the Accounts.
- Are bank transfers allowed?
A. If we had 1600 separate entries it would be challenging to manage for the membership team and the Hon Treasurer. When road stewards call to collect subscriptions it allows for members to have an interface with the HEA. - We seem to have a lot of assets. Should we not find a good use for them.
- The assets have been boosted by two legacies. We are finding suitable items to spend them on. We have expenditure every year on the Christmas tree and flowers on The Broadway. And we need funds for any important planning battles that may arise. The Accounts were proposed by Audrey Jarvis and seconded by Meena Gosrani.
- Appointment of Hon Examiner of Accounts. Julian Maw asked if he could appoint an Examiner during the year. This was accepted.
- Election of Officers. Julian Maw agreed to continue as Chair. Vipin Pau agreed to continue as Hon Treasurer. These posts were proposed by Peter Murray and seconded by David Summers. There will be no Vice-chairman or Hon Secretary.
- Election of committee members. John Cobb, Clare Goldschmidt, Meena Gosrani, Sheila Reid, Anne Swinson and Susan Tyler were proposed en bloc by Lynne Dorf and seconded by Dominique Wilson.
- Resolutions. None had been received. Julian Maw said that the annual subscription would remain at £3 per household.
- Any other notified business. None had been received.
Questions and Answers
- What is happening to the old Post Office, formerly Pizza Express?
- It is planned to become another restaurant – Moka Pan Asia.
- Is there any information regarding removing the cycle lanes from the Uxbridge Road?
- There will be a meeting of TARSAP at the Council on Thursday 22 April. Then it will go the policy holder for the final decision.
Chair Julian Maw closed the meeting at 9.40pm.