July/August 2018
The Council has published a Public Consultation document regarding parking and parking meters in The Broadway and is seeking residents’ and businesses’ views.
The public consultation STARTS ON 12 JULY and will run for a period of 28 days until 8 AUGUST 2018.
All responses should be received by no later than 8 August 2018.
Introducing parking controls is a two-stage process.
Stage One – is an informal consultation intended to gather information from local residents and businesses about parking problems they are experiencing and to help the council decide what measures if any are taken forward to the next stage.
Stage Two – is the Legal Notification (Statutory consultation) stage, residents and businesses are re-consulted on the proposed parking controls on roads agreed to be taken forward.
We are currently at the informal Stage One and no decisions have yet been made about whether to introduce any new parking controls.Although some people have contacted the council to explain their parking problems they would like to hear your views as well so that the council can clearly understand the level of support that exists for parking controls within your area. If there is majority support for parking controls the council will proceed to Stage Two which is the Legal Notification (statutory consultation) stage.
A potential scheme could include the following measures:
Pay and display machines (parking meters) in The Broadway service road between Anselm Road and Wellington Road and on Wellington Road (east side) opposite 2-8 Wellington Road.
A review of the existing disabled parking spaces in the service road with potential additional disabled parking on Uxbridge Road (north side) in the existing inset parking bay.
Retaining the ambulance bay outside Lutyen House in The Broadway service road and the existing waiting restrictions in Uxbridge Road.
The final design may be subject to change following the comments received from this consultation (no decisions have yet been made).
You should consider whether the parking issues that you experience justify the introduction of parking controls. The council will analyse all the responses and parking controls will only be implemented where there is clear majority support. The results of the consultation will be referred to the next available TARSAP meeting and /or Portfolio Holder for Environment for approval to proceed to the next stage which is the Legal Notification stage (Stage Two).
If the scheme progresses to this stage the council will write to you again with further information about this stage of the process.
See the PDF below called Public Consultation for a more detailed description of the proposals. There is also a Map of the Consultation (to come).
The council has prepared a questionnaire for you to complete in private (see link below). The information you provide will be analysed along with all other comments received. They would like to know what parking problems (if any) you experience while trying to access the local shops/businesses and whether you’d support the introduction of parking controls as outlined above to address these concerns. The council is encouraging the use of its online consultation portal on the Harrow council website and we would prefer you to respond on-line a. You can submit your questionnaire on-line by visiting: www.harrow.gov.uk/trafficconsultations You then click on the link for the ‘The Broadway, Hatch End Area Parking Review’ and click on ‘start survey’ to make your comments. You will be asked to register your details before completing the survey. Alternatively, you can send the questionnaire by post to:
Head of Traffic, Highways and Asset Management
Harrow Council,
PO Box 39,
HA1 2XA.
Questionaires will be available at the Post Office, Sea Pebbles and Pulver Carr for those people who do not wish to post the questionnaires. The Post office have said they will collect any questionnaires and arrange to get them in on time.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this consultation in more detail please contact the council’s design partners Atkins: bruce.bolton@atkinsglobal.com, telephone: 0208 420 9468 or Sajjad Farid on 0208 424 1484.
Hatch End Broadway-Parking Consultation-Questionnaire
Public Consultation-Uxbridge Road
TARSAP meeting, 23 November 2015
It was confirmed that the Hatch End Parking Review would be going to consultation. Subsequently, Barry Philips, Traffic and Parking Design Team Leader at Harrow Council has confirmed to the HEA the following:
“The consultation leaflets are planned to be delivered in the first week of December. The consultation will run for around five weeks to allow for the Christmas period as agreed with councillors.”
Keep an eye out for the leaflets and don’t forget to let the Council know your views if you feel strongly about parking on The Broadway.
Report on Traffic Officers’ Meeting, 22 July 2015
It was confirmed that the review of the CPZ in Hatch End was planned for the late autumn, workload permitting. The review would cover parking in service roads in The Broadway.
Report on TARSAP meeting, 3 May 2015
Review of the Hatch End CPZ was confirmed as part of the Management Programme for 2015 /16.
Report on TARSAP meeting on 12 February 2015
Tony Allen and Julian Maw attended the TARSAP meeting on 12 February where the officers proposed Hatch End Parking CPZ be number 5 out of 8 on the Management Programme for review in 2015/16. Julian Maw asked for confirmation that The Broadway service roads were included. The response indicated that it would be.
The Programme was then discussed by the Panel. Despite support from Councillor Jean Lammiman, the Hatch End CPZ review was removed from the list to be discussed by officers, the Panel chair and portfolio holder.
It was a disappointing result but there is still hope for a positive result at the TARSAP meeting in May.
Report on TARSAP meeting on 10 December 2014
Tony Allen and Julian Maw of the HEA committee attended the TARSAP meeting on 10 December 2014, as promised at the Public Meeting on traffic and parking. Julian presented the following question to the chair:“Will the parking charging scheme for the Hatch End Broadway area be
reviewed in the immediate future to allow for the changed
circumstance and requirements of local businesses, residents and users
of the shops?”
The response from the chair referred to the CPZ consultation and not
the June 2012 consultation on The Broadway area and Grimsdyke car park.
Julian pointed out that the response had not answered the concern raised in
his supplementary question.
The chair responded that the concern would be considered at the
February 2015 TARSAP meeting.
At the same meeting the response to the petition organised by St Anselm’s Church regarding the CPZ in the Westfield Park area was published. See below for PDF of the extract of the meeting regarding the petition and the Council’s response .